
When I look into that access hatch, the small square one just aft of the sink, I see a fiberglass blige.

The bottom of mine is about 6-8" deep, and I thought that was all that there was. Looking at other boats, I learned I was really supposed to have
the couple feet deep sump you speak of.

My boat does not have that sump.

At first I panicked, I flashed to visions of #350, and the concrete

But then I got to thinking about having read this thread of yours, and the lead you removed.

See, I have got two lead pigs, secured by boards under the sole. I thought those were all there were.

Now, that you have confirmed that you took these two larger lead blocks out of that sump, I think I understand what was done.

I think that some where in #226's past (it has lived there in Hampton Roads with you it's whole life until now) someone glassed the lead into the sump secure them, and...... I don't know, maybe prevent them from breaking loose in a roll over???

I don't know yet what I am going to do about this, (if anything). The deep sump would be nice to have should I mount a tank below the sole as you have.

Sure wish I knew more about how the job was done, or even exactly why.