Hey, Frank
No pictures tonight, I'm sorry to report. We had to take a couple of days away from the boat yard (aka dirt yard) for our sanity. It's so easy to forget that we are doing this for the experience and fun when we are continually focused on getting things done. recently we got the bronze straps on our rudder, sea cocks and through hulls installed and sealed, rub rails shaped and primed, water tank plumbed (and filled with DRINKABLE water), new burners installed in the Taylors, dinghy outboard running, new prop on, companion way slider installed, cleaned the generator and got it running again (Carol's the mechanic in this family), got the backstay polished to a mirror-like shine, boot stripe painted, and started on the mast and boom. We make a pact that at least once a week we would go to the beach so we wouldn't loose track of what we are here for, and now we try to go there every afternoon to swim the troubles away and shower in less-stinky water. Add a couple of odd jobs on other boats and lending a hand where we can and the weeks just seem to fly by. We'll be posting pictures of "stuff" soon and hopefully we'll have videos coming in the (relatively) near future.
thanks for asking and..
Peace, Love, and Coconuts!