What goes back in won't be that much different from the original set-up. Just updating the old gal for the next fourty years. Raising the setees would give a little more storage but at the cost of too much head room lost. I too have to sit facing fore or aft in order to keep from pinning my chin to my chest. We're hoping to just organize the interior stowage and utilize the space better. I'm even toying with lowering the cabin sole an inch or so just to get a wee bit more head room. Of course then we'll have to walk a tight rope. No, I'm afraid there won't be anything too radical happening here, just a few curves and new curtains and such. This one won't get to be a world cruiser, just a weekend cabin somewhere in Minnesota. Then again we have several customers that used to sail the Bahamas when they were Floridians and they highly recomend I do the same