I have about three days here where I can get some work done and then I'm away from the boat for a couple weeks. That'll be hard being she's prime for working on and I'm prime for workin'! I wanna see some progress.

It's all pretty straight forward, as far as what's going back in. No frills and a mess less than I was going to try the first time around. Striving to stick with 'form follows function' philosophy. You know-KISS

I am planning for on the hook and off the grid and into some diving again. As much as I loved SCUBA we'll be leaning toward free diving out of practicality. That's how I started anyhow! And I remember having a blast doing it too!

I like the the idea of a sampson post, Ebb. But I am trying to reduce the number of things poking up through the deck. I suppose there is an easy way to keep them water tight and dry. And they sure would add to the stability of a sprit. I'm just looking to add a secure eye for a solent stay and a bit more room to stretch out if I have to take to the v-berth. Although, I really like the sprit(?)/anchor platform on them thar Nor'sea 27s. If we put a sprit on the nose I'm contemplating switching out the stem fitting for a simple strap like the backstay. What do ya think about that?