Quote Originally Posted by mbd View Post

How about a toe rail treatment similar to your coamings? Build them up with fiberglass - you wouldn't have to worry about thru-bolting. Then, you could top them off with a nice mahogany cap so you'd still have something to varnish.

Attachment 8238
Mike you are a genius! I don't know why, or how many times, I have read that and it just didn't sink in...I are a idiot...well, a dolt, at the very least. That sure would make things easier as far as maintenance goes, with the exception of varnishing. Plus we could make them as high as we wished. Toe rails could be bulwarks if we want! The only substantial bolting needed would be where the chocks get mounted, and that would have to be worked out being they are pretty skinny lengthwise. There is one wrinkle though. I cut the mahogany into those 2" to 2.5" strips years ago anticipating attaching them on their edge. I don't know if I could steam them enough to pull them into a flat "cap"...

But I like this idea! Mucho gracias senior Mike!