Quote Originally Posted by mbd
Tony, I had an idea looking at your picture - how about an aft berth tucked up underneath your cockpit? Look at all that room in there! Then you could use some of the v-berth space for an enclosed head.
I've been thinking the same thing. I'm glad I've lived aboard for a while before doing any major work in the cabin. My design is evolving.

I know what I want to do in the v-berth (guest bunk on one side, cabinet/drawer stowage on the other), and the settees (somewhat). The back wall area of the cabin is what I've been pondering for the past couple weeks. What I do there will to some degree determine what the final arrangement of the settee area will be. A quarter berth tucked up under the cockpit (basically extending the current berth ~2' aft) makes a lot of sense - it puts a usually empty, but needed, area more into the stern of the boat, would provide a flat floor to the cockpit locker above, and will be a safer place to be bunked in stormy conditions, especially if, heaven forbid, repeated knockdowns or a complete capsize were to happen.

I did consider using that area right under the cockpit floor, but I think it would be too hard to keep dry, especially being right under the companionway. As I write, this thought comes to mind: if done properly this area could be made1) watertight and 2) detachable, thus being able act like a liferaft if the boat started to go down. Kind of a James Bond liferaft. Maybe whoever has Ariel #007 could do this. Know of any sources for explosive bolts?

Quote Originally Posted by mbd
PS. BTW, this can't be said enough: VERY slick work!
For sure! Kudos!!!