I am a newbie at this too!
I figured out that one must be able to,
"Carryout airborn ambulatory activity using the posterior portion of ones outherwear."
I am a newbie at this too!
I figured out that one must be able to,
"Carryout airborn ambulatory activity using the posterior portion of ones outherwear."
A smattering of pictures. A bit less sailing this year with an infant! Still able to get out with the aid of the occasional afternoon baby sitter.
Introducing my 13 and 10 year old neice and nephew from Atlanta to sailing last weekend, and a whole family sail for father's day.
C-65 Lucky Dawg
Outstanding job!!! Nothing better than time on the water when you're a kid-young or old.
I left one of our sailing dinks at the Father-in-laws cabin one year in an effort to get the younger generation interested. Offered to take them out, showed them how easy it is, don't worry about breaking anything but your head, told them they could even putz around at their own whim ( in the protected bay ). Nothing. Only whinned and begged to ride the PWCs.![]()
Nice sail today. Shore breeze made Lake Michigan flat as a pancake with 12-15 knots or so. Ride along if you like - a one minute clip that looks like we are FLYING.
I had the logos I found on eBay repaired and rechromed. Sparkley!
Sadie continues to get more confident aboard. As she was headed forward today, I started to say... and she finished my thought - "I know Daddy, three points of contact!" She is quite a swimmer for 4 and we have jumped in the drink in our life vests and practiced MOB. At the dock, she has taken on the jobs of uncovering and covering the cowl vent and tiller with their canvas before and after sails. Good crew is hard to come by. This particular one generally sports a princess nightie - her usual sailing garb.![]()
Last edited by Lucky Dawg; 09-22-2008 at 09:25 PM.
C-65 Lucky Dawg
I have a set of Commander badges that are heavily pitted that I would like to have redone. How successfully does the process fill in what appears to be a pretty low form of metallic life that has been abused? What kind of price should I expect?
They look great!
Before and after below. I suppose if I had asked the guy to pay special attention to the pits, it might have turned out differently. I was more interested in piecing together the port logo. There is some pitting as you can see, but the chrome over them looks smoother than the close up makes it appear. It was $260 with the repair and chroming. Don't know if I got a fair deal, but it is difficult to find anyone who will chrome pot metal. Dynamic Custom Chrome in the Detroit area.
Last edited by Lucky Dawg; 08-27-2008 at 07:04 PM.
C-65 Lucky Dawg
Another option is to purchase a replacement. Bristol Bronze has duplicated the Ariel and Commander plates. Here is the info from the 2003 thread:
The part number for the Commander logo will be BB0304 and it will sell for the same price as the Ariel logo."
Roger W.
Bristol Bronze
Plates are $50 each + $6.50 S&H
PO Box 101
Tiverton, RI 02878
For more discussion, search on "logo plate."
Ouch! Or I could have done that... I seem to remember contacting Bristol before I bought the eBay plates and for some reason I didn't go that route. I sent Bristol a message this morning asking if that price and availability are still accurate. Will let y'all know ASAP.
C-65 Lucky Dawg
Current pricing on Bristol Bronze website is $85.00 each.
I guess I should hurry.
click on their price sheet link and look under "coaming logo" on the downloaded file.
Right, so $170 for both cast in bronze plus chroming. Not cheap to chrome anything nowadays, but as I preferred. Maybe mine wasn't such a bad deal.
Dear Kyle,Thanks for the e-mail and for your interest in Bristol Bronze.The BB0304 Pearson Commander Coaming Logos in Bronze are $85.00 each plus shipping and handling. We currently have them in stock.If you would like to place an order you can do so by using the order form that is part of our web site or, if you wish you can phone me and I can take your order down.Roger W.Bristol Bronze401-625-5224
C-65 Lucky Dawg
Nice sail to winter quarters over the weekend. 20kts from the NNW made for speedy downwind sail with following rollers. Surfing provided several 9kt+ rides. Miles Davis' Cellar Door Sessions provided the soundtrack.
a) So long Muskegon
b) Sun breaking through along the way
c) Headed up the Grand River to The Wharf marina
C-65 Lucky Dawg
Sounds like a great sail to end the season and get you through Winter. We had a really nice Fall here in the NE too. I was hauled out last Friday.![]()
Totoro (Sea Sprite 23 #626)
"Pulled over" by the Sheriff last weekend. Just checking for life jackets, etc. Sadie popped up from below and had hers on. He started asking her questions about her DOB and how to spell her name... and then handed her a "ticket" for being caught with her life jacket ON - redeemable at a local ice cream stand for a free cone. She thought is was the coolest thing ever and was great reinforcement for her keeping her jacket on.A nice touch by the sheriff's office, I thought.
Last edited by Lucky Dawg; 09-24-2009 at 12:32 PM.
C-65 Lucky Dawg