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Thread: Commander #65 "Lucky Dawg"

  1. #181
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Grand Haven / Muskegon, Michigan
    My only real screw up. I obviously placed this traveler track in the wrong place. In my frenzy to get launched on Friday, I just wasn't thinking about the cam cleats that sit in front here. I'll use 1/2" or 3/8" mahogany that I will trim to 4'x4"(ish) to lay flat here - then I'll put the traveller and cleats atop it. I figure of all places to screw up, this is the most easily fixable.

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    Last edited by Lucky Dawg; 09-05-2011 at 08:21 AM.

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Grand Haven / Muskegon, Michigan
    AHHHHHHH!!!! A beautiful sail yesterday. Too windy for Amy (she tops out at about 8kts), but I had great crew nonetheless. Steady 16kts for a nice ride.

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    Last edited by Lucky Dawg; 09-05-2011 at 08:50 PM.

  3. #183
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Northern MN
    She looks great, Kyle! Lucky Dawg has one of, if not the, most beautiful cockpits I have ever seen. Not cluttered and apropriately adorned. As a matter of fact I would not think of 'the traveller incident of 2011' as a screw up. That additional strip of wood will serve two purposes. One as a mount for hardware but also as a fine dressing to the aft end of her cockpit.

    No doubt they are the luckiest kids on the Lake. You're making significant memories together. Hats off to you, sir.
    My home has a keel.

  4. #184
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Grand Haven / Muskegon, Michigan
    Hey Tony. Thanks. The ol' Commander cockpit is what drew me to the boat in the first place. Lucky Dawg's setup is really nice. There's the 45+ year old, meticulously constructed teak grate, and the clean white cushions the PO had made... but the 1/4 x 2" strips of mahogany that dress up the seats, I think, are the pièce de résistance. They're just screwed into the fore and aft 3rd's of the bench. For the center section, they're bolted through with short bolts that have to be ground down along with the nuts to a small degree to pass smoothly over the lip of the locker. Just a little detail, but they really pop.

    Re my screw up, I agree. The traveller bling came to me fairly quickly as I realized my error - "Oh crap!!... Well, just add a strip of mahogany there and we're all good." Wouldn't have been a solution anywhere else on the boat, but an easy fix there. Someone here, can't remember who, put a similar accent there. It was bowed from the underside, so flat on top. I just plan to slightly bend the board to follow the line from one side to the other. It's about a 3/4" (?) arc over that 4' section.

    Anyone know who sells honduran mahogany piecemeal? I still want to make the chain locker cover (below) I apologize that I can't remember whose handiwork that is, but I have it saved on my computer because it rocks. With that and a couple other projects, I could probably put a half a sheet of 1/2" to good use, but don't know what I would do with the other half... Maybe I should buy a full sheet of 1/4" and laminate...

    And, yes Tony, I am blessed with two kids who love to sail. Totally aware that this could be time limited. Yesterday, just checking the enjoyment-barometer with Sadie and her friend - 'Y'all still good? How much longer do you want to sail?" Sadie - "A little longer - maybe two hours or so, OK?"

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    p.s. I played around in Photoshop with the Commander logo/ensignia here rather than this design, but I couldn't produce anything that I liked better than this little anchor. Not sure if the raised panel is constructed like the outboard cover to lift on and off similarly to facilitate access? If you recall whose boat this comes from, please advise.
    Last edited by Lucky Dawg; 09-14-2011 at 09:37 PM.

  5. #185
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Excelsior, Minnesota
    Back in the water!
    Let's hope the fall sailing is as fantastic as last year so you can cram a summers worth of sailing in.
    The boat looks fantastic.
    Congratulations on muscling through a really big job with such great results.

  6. #186
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Brooksville, FL

    Lucky Dawg really is a lucky Dawg to have an owner like you. She really is looking great. We are all looking forward to some sailing shots of you enjoying the fruits of your labor.

    Kyle one of the things I really like about your commander is the wood grate in the cockpit floor. I think Destiny would benefit from one like it. Would you mind taking some close up pictures of it so I can see how it was constructed especially at the forward end (I looked through all your pictures and have a good idea about how it was done but did not see any of the forward end) where the cockpit dranes are under it?
    A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiam.

  7. #187
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Excelsior, Minnesota
    Gee Jerry... if your gearing up... why make just one?
    (hint, hint)

  8. #188
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Brooksville, FL

    I'm not gearing up right now I have too many "need to" things to do to get Destiny back in the water before I start doing the "want to" things but when I do I might be convinced to do a small production run. I'll let you know when I do gear up.
    A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiam.

  9. #189
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Grand Haven / Muskegon, Michigan
    Hey Jerry, Thanks. Definitely enjoying the "fruits." And no problemo for some pix of the grate. I picked up my trailer today to deliver to the welder. It is a little wobbly and I want to reinforce the bow supports. ...Anyway, while up there, I took a bunch of pictures. They're posted here: http://www.pearsonariel.org/discussi...3676#post23676

    Had planned to meet up with my stinkboater friends yesterday (including my family) - they were to speed several boats up from Grand Haven to Muskegon Lake (13 miles or so up Lake Michigan) for a lakeside lunch at a fun restaurant called Docker's. Very unexpectedly, an ominous fog bank rolled in. Thick as pea soup and not remotely safe to navigate - so I was on my own. It never ate up Muskegon Lake where the sun was blazing, but you can see its creepy fingers peeking over the dunes that separate Muskegon Lake from Lake Michigan.

    6 or 8 kts, so I flew my big light reacher. 80 degrees and beautiful sunshine. Supposed to be 30 degrees cooler next weekend.

    Couple notes: I don't miss the lifelines or pushpit one bit. My drainage hole expansion in the Laz did not one thing to facilitate drainage - except that it looks a little cleaner. Same water volume, but it probably just enters and exits more freely. (Edit - this fix for this is post 17 in the "Balance advice and input" thread)

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    Last edited by Lucky Dawg; 10-25-2011 at 08:06 PM.

  10. #190
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Brooksville, FL
    Now see that's what I'm talking about!!!! Looks like it was a great day to be on the water.

    That fog is no fun to sail in. And when it pops up in the middle of the day it is even more surprising. A couple of years ago I Took my niece for a sail out to Anclote key from Tarpon Springs. We got out to the island and beached the boat so my wife and my niece could walk up to the lighthouse and back. In the time it took them to do that we had very heavy fog roll in and we had to sail back in the stuff. I sure was glad I had a GPS that day.

    I appreciate you posting the pics, I look forward to them.
    A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiam.

  11. #191
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Grand Haven / Muskegon, Michigan
    pix are posted in the link per above. I've sailed from somewhere near Anclote Village Marina to Anclote Key a number of times. (I've mentioned before that my mom used to live in Palm Harbor) Can't find the exact place on GoogleEarth, but it is a little Mom and Pop marina in that vicinity. My stepfather is a marine biologist and tromping around in the mud within the key (just south of the white beaches in center of this image) with someone who knows what's-what is edifying. One trip, headed out, we came upon literally hundreds of dolphins. It was some kind of sit-in, I think. You don't get that in the Great Lakes. No sharks, either, but... Some wildlife and some destination keys would be a fun addition.

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    Last edited by Lucky Dawg; 09-11-2011 at 08:55 PM.

  12. #192
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Brooksville, FL

    Kyle thnaks so much for the pictures

    I will download the full size version when I get a couple of minutes to spare.

    Can you tell me how thick the slats and the pieces arounf the perimeter are? Sorry to be such a bother but I really like that grate and would like to duplicate it.

    The Google Earth picture you showed was the north end of Anclote key. The second picture shows the South end where we beached the boat and where the lighthouse is. The lighthouse is located at the circle and the arrow shows where we beached the boat that day.

    The first picture is the lighthouse there on the key.
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    A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiam.

  13. #193
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Grand Haven / Muskegon, Michigan

    Max, Sailor Dog

    Max went for his first sail today. He was a natural. Loves to ride in the car and this was just an upgrade from that. Found a spot on port and stayed there for the afternoon. Seemed very content. Only trotted into the cabin when I was dropping the sails in a fair amount of wind at the end of the day. Too much clattering for his liking. Should have named him "Scuppers."

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  14. #194
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Northern MN
    Those are another set of great photos, Kyle. Max looks like a young Bouvier Des Flanders...truely a Lucky Dawg.
    My home has a keel.

  15. #195
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Scarborough, Maine
    Hey, my kids loved Scuppers! Max is the spitting image! Great shots!
    Totoro (Sea Sprite 23 #626)

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