On the topic of dustless vacuums, a tip. Until just a few years ago, shop-vac branded vacuums were heinously noisy clunky things, but I picked up one of the new yellow plastic ones several years ago and it is a dramatic improvement. No need for earplugs to use it.

More importantly, they sell a variety of vacuum cleaner style bags that can go in it, and the yellow colored one (I think that is the one for fine dust/drywall dust etc) really does work amazingly well. I used to use a porter cable dust vac to deal with drywall sanding dust because you could kind of clean out the pleated filter, but the shop-vac with the fine dust bags beats it hands down. I can sand drywall dust off of floors for some time before they bog down. Much to my surprise. And it holds A LOT. Powerfuly, quiet, cheap, readily available. (Ace hardware). I use it for architectural stuff hooked up to my sanders and life is much better. It would work fine with a festool I imagine, which helps control the cost of that option. I also use it for quick connection to table saw/chop saw when I do not have my full wood working dust system on site.

Even better, you can get extra hose and connect it to the exhaust side and get it out of the project or out of the way.

As for the cylindrical pleated filters that would replace the useless foam liner which is used in place of a bag, it is great as a backup for the bag, but they clog to easily and are hard to clean for the only line of defense. I put one on as a backup inside the fine dust bag.

Also handy for sucking water out of bilge, basement, bathroom, etc. (without the bag of course)

I got a pretty big one, I think it was not much more than a 100 bucks. I imagine festool would charge that much for an extension cord.