Take a suitable length of #6 stranded marine wire, winde one end once around a bolt of the aftlower shroud plate and tighten the nut? Proceed similarly to the uppershroud plate on the compression bulkhead with the same wire, one turn round, tighten nut, and then to the forward shroud plate? Take the same wire to a bolt of the forward pulpit socket fitting, Connect. Take the same wire to the other forward pulpit fitting?

Do the same with the other side up to the other fpf. Then take both wires over to the grounding nut(s.) Most Ariels still have 4 metal thruhulls (mine are history.) You connect these singley or in series and take tese wires to the grounding plate stud?

Is the mast also wired to the grounding plate with a wire from the mast, thru the deck, down the bulkhead, etc?

Defender has 4 Guest Dynaplate grounding plates listed (pg210, 2002.) In inches: 6 X 2 (50.49) - 8 X 2 1/2(82.49) - 12 X 3(131.79) - 18 X 6(274.79). Cryptically they "protect" 12 - 20 - 40 - 100 sq.ft. In the miniature illustration they have 2 holes and are vaguely hydrodynamic. These any good? Where did you place the plate on the hull? Paste it on with 5200? Guest and Whale products have a largely lukewarm reaction on the web. Hope I get a passing grade!