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Thread: New Generation Anchor

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  1. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    San Rafael, CA

    Lightbulb Yachting Monthly's Scuttlebut and how forums can be Dangerous

    [Sorry to interrupt more important and mundane boat business - especially since the discussion here has been, shall we say, rather slow.]

    There isn't anything of greater importance to the safety of the boat than good anchors.
    [sorry, blue line doesn't compute]

    click on Yachting Monthly's Scuttlebutt
    scroll to Rocna anchor.......

    If you are patient and at all curious, by reading and scanning this amazing 42pg discussion
    you will have a frontrow seat of the King Rocna event (altho he never shows up) that almost compares with King Lear. A Brit comedy.
    Not as bloody, not written by a master, and not as good with metaphor -
    but the pathos, the human drama is superb: passion, short-comings, treachery...
    If you have read any of my comments above here you have then a prelude into a twisted
    and misleading mystery of subterfuge, hypocrisy, errors in judgement. Just about everything
    you'd never expect to find in the crumbling of a small and unique commercial enterprise.

    Many characters appear,
    some suddenly, some go off stage left never to be heard from again. Why did they take part?
    One of the main characters from the beginning is RocnaOne who throughout the story never identifies herself.
    She has an important role (imco the dsguised character is really female, or in drag, and there are very few of those in this testosteroyal morality play) because she appears to be the voice of the new acquiring owner, CMP (big on anodes), she is expected to reveal details how the unfolding take over of the empire is greased, yet never seems to develop the cajones to talk with conviction. But...but.....but read more of the babble, you'll see!
    Clowns appear, and idiots come on stage attempting to sabotoge things.
    Some will come on stage holding an anchor (if it was Shakespeare, it would be a rubber sword) asking the audience, what do I do with this?
    Others praise the absent and desparate Rocna, others put him down. He is condemned and saved by the Rocna's fool, his wisest councellor, who is also called King.
    Ahhhh hh, but this king's fool, will he be the one to bring the kingdom down?

    Although the story probably continues to a just end,
    poor judgement and the insanity of the main performers
    (who all the while other actors are busy on stage are actually writhing in the backdrop wrapped in chains
    too spooked to appear front and center) will prevail. They will prevail, but as mere ghosts of what they once were.
    CMP (big on anodes) is left holding the bag... as the stage lights dim and the play comes to a close......or doesn't.

    Imco we haven't ever witnessed anything quite like this.

    In the world of business what has happened/happening is truly amazing. Do we have some power after all?
    [last edit 10/21/11]

    Main stand out actors on the Scuttlebut stage:
    Grant King (post 255) (breathtaking posts at 357, 358.)
    wise Djbangi &
    Delfin, trawlerman

    (audience applause)
    Last edited by ebb; 10-23-2011 at 08:43 AM.

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