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Thread: New Generation Anchor

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    San Rafael, CA

    letters to Peerless

    Won't bore you with the text.

    On my desk here, side by side, I have an Acco Chain rode Swivel and a Crosby alloy anchor shackle - 3/8" 2ton WLL. The swivel pins measure 23/64"D - under 3/8"s. The alloy shackle pin measures just under 7/16"D.
    This 3/8" shackle pin fits 1/4" galv. chain link PERFECTLY.

    [LATER POSTS HERE REVEAL THAT THIS LINK MEASURE IS NOT GOOD FOR G43 CHAIN - BE WARNED!!!] The Crosby Alloy 3/8" super shackle pin will fit G30 but NOT G43.

    High Test G43 1/4" chain has a 2600# WLL.
    This galv. alloy shackle is imco a good match for the link between chain and anchor.

    Reading the embossed numbers on the Acco swivel:
    There is what appears to be a date stamp: 06/07.
    Also 3/4T. (no WLL.)*
    On the other shackle of the swivel it says Acco. Then 1/4-5/16. And G4.
    The pins are plain without markings.

    I pointed out to Peerless in my letters that matching work load limits within an anchor rode system is most important for sailors. I intimated that the pins in the swivel should be equal with the pins in the 3/8" alloy anchor shackle - especially if the swivel is to be used with 5/16" chain.

    I complemented the swivel design as the best of all the galvanized swivels available. The bolt (not really a bolt as it is part of the forging of one of the halves) is about 19/32"D, just under 5/8". Pretty hefty.

    Told them that if a binding pull came on the fitting with the two pieces at 90 degrees to each other
    Maybe the bolt wouldn't bend perse, but most of the strain would be on the bolt and the holes thru the shackle rather than bearing on the flanges which should be fully circular to fully protect the swivel bolt at any angle of pull. It is the wide flange surfaces of the two pieces of the swivel that appear to make the Acco swivel unique. At 90 degress THERE IS ONLY 1/4" SURFACE BEARING ON THE OPPOSING FLANGE. This is a fault.

    Also mentioned that the traditional clipper ship shackle pin eyes had seen they day
    and that a shorter pin head was called for.

    I don't expect a reply from Peerless. We do what we have to do.
    __________________________________________________ _________________________________________
    * Because some voice on the phone says the Working Load Limits for anchor swivels is different than they are for chain... DON'T MAKE IT SO.
    WLL is a recognized standard that we can work with
    and THAT understanding should hold and be recognized when comparing swivels to chain as we do with chain and shackles.
    Last edited by ebb; 04-14-2009 at 07:24 AM.

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