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question for Theis and others
Theis - I see you have your genoa on top of the toe rail. mine is there also, but after a little exploration, i don't believe there is any reinforcement, backing plates or other on mine. What did you use. i hear horror stories (ok, maybe just one) about the track ripping out and though, "Boy that would suck, especially at that part of the deck. how do i prevent it?"
Maybe some of the others have thoughts. My preliminary thought is of the Hobie Cat 16 i still haven't sold yet. the two shrouds are attached throught the edge of the deck/hull joint. and it uses a solid rod about 2" long, with a hole drilled perpendicular-ly and the chainplate/thing threads into that. it spreads the load along the inside of the "lip" of the deck/hull joint.
Anybody know if that is a practice out there? or where to get such a thing?
thanx - km#3
attached pic:
oops, sorry Theis, meant Mike Goodwin
sorry Theis, i saw the picture Mike posted, read the first line and got everybody mixed up.
so my original question goes to Mike Goodwin, how did you add reinforcement to your toe-rail mounted tracks? posted above are the discussions Theis and I had when I had him mixed up with you. did you reinforce it in either of the ways we talked about (round rod with hole drilled, upside-down aluminum U-channel, etc)?
Also, would you do it that way again?
Thanks so much,