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  1. Rico
    Hi Kyle,
    It was a couple of hundred bucks... but the fabrication labor was free (other than the material & a portion of the machine shop work) - Sadly, I think that $700 is about the correct price for the beast.

    Before you go the mahogany route; I'm actually thinking of building-up one from FG incorporated into the cabintop (this is for C-187 - my 'other' Commander.) I do not know if you want to consider that route...

    I've actually kept in touch with Valery (mostly via occasional facebook contact). They are a great couple - I really enjoyed meeting her & Eric - he actually reminds me of a good friend - lots. I do not know if I told you but we actually interacted quite a bit during the ha-ha... We had a few meals (& good scotch!) both at anchor on the way, and once we reached cabo. Great times!

    I have to run - but if you're interested in discussing the base further let me know.


  2. Lucky Dawg
    Hi Rico!

    Do you recall what you spent for your mast base? I just got a quote for $700! Methinks I'll fashion a new one from mahogany!

    Have been talking a lot with Eric. He and his wife are still in France and poor Pacific Mystic is molding on the hard in Panama.

    Hope you're well,
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About Rico

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About Rico
Commander #155
San Francisco - or Abroad
Old British cars esp. Mini coopers (classics) and Sailing



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09-14-2023 04:20 PM
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