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Forum: Technical

Forum for Technical discussions regarding Ariels and Commanders

  1. Sticky Thread Sticky: RUDDER SHOE DISCUSSIONS

    Does anyone happen to have the exact measurement from the top edge to the bottom of the rudder shoe? The specs were either omitted or did not copy on to the rudder shoe drawing in my manual. From the drawing I come up with a measurement just under 3 3/4 inches but would be happier if someone could...

    Started by tcoolidge, 10-05-2003 10:01 PM
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    03-22-2024 05:46 AM Go to last post
  2. Sticky Thread Sticky: rudder discussions

    I just acquired a 1965 outboard model Pearson Ariel. After spending a couple of weeks getting to know the boat, taking inventory, and doing some interior rehabilitation and work on the running rigging, I am preparing tackle the rudder and motor issues. I would greatly appreciate any advice from...

    Started by Scott Galloway, 10-03-2001 02:55 PM
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    05-15-2022 06:34 PM Go to last post
  3. Sticky Thread Sticky: Navigation Lights

    Well, my stern light has gone kaput. Turns out the interior contacts got corroded and broken. Anybody know if the guts of these lights are still sold somewhere? I would like to keep the old fitting instead of buying a new stainless steel Perko (which would probably be the sensible thing to do)....

    Started by commanderpete, 09-20-2002 12:38 PM
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    12-16-2021 12:44 PM Go to last post
  4. Sticky Thread Sticky: STRONGBACK DISCUSSION etc.

    113 needs a new beam and since Ebb has broke the mold I think we're going to laminate a new beam similar to his. Fortunately for me, I have a friend that is well versed in the ways of wood. He's laminated everything from fishing nets to display cases to full blown foot bridges. He also finds my...

    Started by Tony G, 05-31-2003 08:56 AM
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    09-10-2021 10:39 AM Go to last post
  5. Question Sticky Thread Sticky: Outboard Discussions

    Went out about a month ago and that *@$#!~& old outboard refused to start for the trip back in--had to call TowBoat US and everything. So I broke down and bought a brand new electric start Mercury 9.9. Just finished installing the key start and the new starter/deep cycle battery that I chose. ...

    Started by bkeegel2, 10-02-2001 02:47 PM
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    05-06-2021 02:53 PM Go to last post
  6. Post Sticky Thread Sticky: Setting a-c rig tension

    We often receive questions from new owners regarding the tension settings for the standing rigging on Ariel & Commander yachts. Over the 40 years of one design class racing on SF Bay, the group learned a few things about rig tension. Our former ODCA champion and the Association’s Fleet Captian,...

    Started by Bill, 07-08-2017 07:22 AM
    • Replies: 6
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    06-12-2020 12:17 PM Go to last post
  7. Sticky Thread Sticky: Nissan 6 HP 4 cycles

    I had a Jonhson 9.9 two cycle on my boat (Ariel 194) . I could attained speed of 5.8 knots while motoring. With the nissan 6 HP with the 7 inch propeller what should I expect ? Andre Roberge andre@aspasie.com Ariel 194

    Started by aspasie, 06-07-2004 10:50 AM
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    10-08-2018 12:52 PM Go to last post
  8. Sticky Thread Sticky: The oft discussed outboard extra ballast revealed

    Here is a shot of the 2 pigs of lead from the deep sump , the one to the right would be furthest aft in the bilge . These are reputed to be in all outboard models . It looks like there was a steel lifting eye in each one , long coroded away in mine . These suckers are heavy , had to use main...

    Started by Mike Goodwin, 06-29-2002 09:48 AM
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    08-02-2017 10:17 AM Go to last post
  9. Sticky Thread Sticky: jib track placement

    Friends, I am learning a lot from your site! After repainting inside and out, balancing and building the A4, and stripping a trashed racing hull for hardware, I am refitting Chalupa, #56. This boat is a member of the family that I started sailing on before I was born, so I really want to do...

    Started by Ted, 11-13-2002 06:48 PM
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    08-20-2016 12:45 PM Go to last post
  10. Sticky Thread Sticky: Commander Compression Post Discussions

    Does any one know exactly how the bottom of the compression post is held in place? Do you have to remove the sole to inspect it? It appears to be glassed in and sitting on the lead but its hard to get an idea peeking through the bilge hatches. I have cut out the core above the post to reveal...

    Started by Brendan Watson, 03-29-2003 08:52 PM
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    08-11-2010 08:41 AM Go to last post
  11. Lightbulb Sticky Thread Sticky: Threads of note

    Please post links to threads here that you feel should be noted for the technical section. This way we can compile a list for newer members to peruse and reduce the number of redundant questions. Another option is to email the thread to me and I can include it in the list. To email the thread...

    Started by Bill II, 06-24-2002 11:47 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 77,490
    07-23-2002 10:48 AM Go to last post
  12. Post Sticky Thread Sticky: NUMBER OF BOATS PRODUCED

    Someone asked about the number of Ariels produced by Pearson. The number was 440, with the last boat leaving the mold in 1966. As for Commanders, 351 were produced with the last believed to have been made in 1967, but I'm not certain about the year. According to Bill Shaw, they stopped...

    Started by Bill, 05-30-2002 10:00 PM
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    • Views: 89,604
    05-30-2002 10:00 PM Go to last post

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