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Forum: Sailing and Events

Forum for General discussion about Ariel's, Commanders, the Association and Sailing. Racing and other events should be posted here.

  1. Sticky Thread Sticky: 2019 hoppe regatta coming saturday august 3

    August 3, 2019, is the date when the Hoppe Memorial Regatta for Ariel and Commander skippers will take place on San Francisco Bay. This annual race is always filled with fun, excitement and suspense for the competitors. -- Did you pick the preferred direction around The Island? Where did that "wind...

    Started by Bill, 02-05-2019 02:59 PM
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    11-12-2019 07:07 PM Go to last post
  2. Sticky Thread Sticky: 2019 hoppe regatta sailing instructions

    Saturday, August 3, 2019 is the date for the San Francisco Bay's Hoppe Regatta! BACKGROUND: The Ernie Hoppe Memorial Regatta is a fun race for Ariel and Commander skippers and their crew. The principal requirement is that the race be fun. STARTING LINE: The starting line runs North East from...

    Started by Bill, 06-17-2019 08:13 PM
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    06-17-2019 08:13 PM Go to last post
  3. Sticky Thread Sticky: GEOFF's A-228 UHURU DESTROYED

    I am writing on behalf of Geoff Fyldes, owner of the late Pearson Aerial yacht "Uhuru". Recently in our area of Australia we had cyclone Debbie and the consequence of this, was major flooding to 3 States in Australia. During the flood of the Fitzroy River, Uhuru sank along with 3 other...

    Started by Bill, 05-11-2017 10:16 AM
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    05-11-2017 10:16 AM Go to last post
  4. Sticky Thread Sticky: ZOLTAN SAILS from CALIFORNIA to GREECE

    COMMANDER 266 IN MEDITERRANEAN “This boat may be a little small, but it’s incredibly strong – built in a time when sailboats were built to last.” -- zoltangyurko Yes, there is a Pearson Commander in a marina on a beautiful Geek Island in the Mediterranean, about four hours from Athens. It...

    Started by Bill, 10-22-2016 04:12 PM
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    12-09-2016 02:00 PM Go to last post
  5. Sticky Thread Sticky: OCEAN CROSSINGS in A-C YACHTS

    Reprinting Zoltan’s tale of sailing from Southern California to the Mediterranean has motivated us to search the ACYA Newsletter archives for more articles on ocean voyages in A-C yachts. In the next thread, we begin with one of the “shorter” ocean voyages, Ventura California to Catalina Island....

    Started by Bill, 10-26-2016 02:54 PM
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    10-31-2016 08:36 PM Go to last post
  6. Sticky Thread Sticky: Trans-pacific sailing – ventura to catalina

    TRANS-PACIFIC SAILING – VENTURA TO CATALINA by Mike Geer, Ariel #271 MICHALLA (Reprinted from the Winter 1998 Ariel News Letter) The decision to go wasn't a hard one. After six trips to the local Channel Islands, specifically to Santa Cruz island, I was ready to broaden my horizons....

    Started by Bill, 10-26-2016 02:41 PM
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    10-26-2016 02:41 PM Go to last post
  7. Sticky Thread Sticky: Ariel entered in Single Handed Transpac Race

    Although sanity may set in at any time, I've entered Ad Astra (formerly "Jubilee") in the Transpac. With a rating of 258, she has the highest handicap of all the entrants thus far. The challenge is going to be getting there in 21 days. I plan to fly twin jibs and forego spinnakers entirely. ...

    Started by pbryant, 03-07-2016 11:09 AM
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    06-13-2016 08:54 PM Go to last post
  8. Sticky Thread Sticky: Lesson in life

    Over the years I have posted on this board some of my experiences sailing on different waters around the country. I am sure I have credited my mentor Ernie Rideout many times for all that he has taught me. Well Ernie has taught me one more lesson, but this time it is not about sailing but about...

    Started by Ed Ekers, 08-14-2006 03:52 PM
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    06-28-2015 03:31 PM Go to last post
  9. Thumbs up Sticky Thread Sticky: Sailing an Ariel to Hawaii and back

    for those who wanted to know this was done back in 1985 at the young age of 27.I just wanted to know what it was like beyond the horizon.It was a long hard struggle at the time,everyone thought I would be back in 3 days.I wasnt to return for 3 months,and nearly 6000 miles.when I returned,those...

    Started by eric (deceased), 01-06-2005 07:24 PM
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    03-30-2007 06:05 AM Go to last post
  10. Exclamation Sticky Thread Sticky: Tony's UHURU – Ventura California to Brisbane Australia

    Tony Benado writes: I just happened to be on eBay looking at sailboats. I came across a Pearson Ariel and the site said if you want info, go the Pearson Ariel Association site. Well, I didn't know there was one, so I did a Google search and found it, then I just cruised around. It wasn't...

    Started by Bill, 12-04-2004 10:15 AM
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    02-12-2006 05:44 PM Go to last post

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