View Full Version : Zoltan

02-05-2004, 10:24 AM
Z. Gyurko has 6 pages in a book by Klaus Hympendahl called PIRATES ABOARD (Sheridan House 2003) - which is a compilation of "40 cases of piracy today and what Bluewater Cruisers can do about it."

It is a guide book of places to avoid and whether you should carry an AK-47 aboard, or not. Zoltan was threatened by four men in jungle suits pointing machine guns at him.. And his girl friend was aboard at the time! What would you do?

Could the correct attire for military assault types at sea be grey fatiques printed with blotches of blues and greens and frothy accents?


What ever became of that flare gun that could fire shotgun shells?
Maybe someone will invent a one pound propane cannister launcher!
An excellent ploy might be a ghastly bubonic plague death mask and a bunch of dead rat decoys.....Just an idea.